We are an independent, progressive and modern company providing a high level of service in the fields of general engineering,
continuous ovens & cooling tunnels and other food processing equipment, steel belt coolers, trim extraction / removal, pneumatic
conveying, chemical processing and specialised service for steel belts used in the wood panel manufacturing industry.

Make sure to check out the
Contact Us page so that we may help you personally.
Steel Belt Specialists           Conveying Engineers
Process Systems SEA
Senawang Sentral
Business Park
Seremban, Malaysia

Tel: +60 6 679 2250
Fax: + 60 6 679 2271
email: Info@ps-sea.com
Pneumatic Conveying Equipment
Process Equipment Manufacturers
We are an Engineering Company and Equipment Manufacturer. Our Products include  Steel Belt conveyors, Belt
conveyors and screw Conveyors, Pneumatic Conveyor systems, Materials Handling equipment. We also have Continuous
Ovens, Cooling tunnels, Pasteurisers, chocolate, mixer, chocolate Conche, chocolate 5 roll refiner, and other equipment for
the food processing industries. For the paper industry we have trim extraction and trim removal systems. We also have
equipment for the Chemical Processing and  Wood Panel industries